Documentation Update: Form reply-to field + caution about From address | Code Deployment

Published April 21, 2023

UBCMS documentation is regularly updated to reflect changes in the system and your needs. Read about the recent changes by the Help Desk team.

Updates for the week ending April 21, 2023

This would be a relevant excerpt from the article. This could be a quote from a person or just a statement of interest.
Person's Name, Person's Title
Professor of Lorem Ipsum
  • Form Container (Form component) - Added a 'Reply-To' field. Clarified that the 'From' field should contain a address to avoid emails getting flagged as spam and landing in recipient's junk folder.  

Code Deployments:

  • 4/19/2003
    • Enriched Header - Updated mobile max width breakpoint to 720 px.
    • Enabled columnized lists in wide/home pages and more "display as" layouts.
    • Adaptive Crop - Fixed bug where on manually uploaded images would show the cropped version.
    • Forms - Added a Reply-To field.