UBCMS: Building and Caring for Your Site

Documentation for our university Web teams, to help build and manage your sites using our content management system. If you are new to the UBCMS, check out our self-paced training.

  • Getting Started with a UBCMS Website
    Find out what is included in a UB Content Management System (UBCMS) website, how to request a site for your department or organization and how to request the creation of specialized individual accounts for you and your Web team.
  • Components Library
    Detailed instructions and live examples for each UBCMS component.
  • Features Library
    Enhance your site with these UBCMS features.
  • Shared Content Catalog
    A collection of authoritative content for use on your websites.
  • Templates Library
    Building a great site starts with a good foundation. Find the best starting point for your pages.
  • Advanced Topics
    These features require advanced skill sets and strategic guidance.
  • Site Administration and Stewardship
    To stay effective, every UBCMS site's owner should regularly review their business strategy and site performance measures, and every page needs an assigned manager, appropriate subject matter experts, an established timetable for regular review, performance measures, and a workflow for any updates.
  • For Developers
    Support for our UBCMS developers.
  • UBCMS Help Forms
    Save time by starting your support request online and we'll connect you as quickly as we can to your answer.
  • UB Web Governance and Related Policies
    Read policies about creating and maintaining websites at UB.