Overview of the UBCMS

Provides a quick overview of the UBCMS. [4:56]

Two options for completing this exercise...
  1. Request a Self-Paced account on the Training Server. Then just follow the instructions as is.
  2. If you already have access to the main Author Server, adapt the instructions to fit your own site.


The UBCMS platform used to build UB websites is licensed from Adobe and supported by University Communications and UBIT staff. There are four server areas: Author (build websites), Publishers (live websites), Training and QA (development). The UBCMS is a secure platform, requiring a UBITName and permissions designated by your Unit Web Leader. Primary roles include Viewers, Authors (build pages) and Publishers (publish pages to live website).


The tutorial compares a published website with corresponding pages in the UBCMS Author environment. Participants cannot see those pages in Author, but if you register for Self-Paced Training, you can examine your own site on the Training Server.

  1. Learn more about the UBCMS by watching the video.

Additional Reading