Before you set up your social media page, blog or website, understand that enabling your users to comment freely and publicly is at the heart of social media. Any time there is unmoderated public engagement, there is potential risk.
Please see “Best Practices for Managing Online Commentary” to better understand your responsibilities as channel manager, the potential impact on UB’s brand, and how to prepare for a Comment-enabled online presence.
Once you create your page/account, be sure to send University Communications ( the following information. Once we hear from you, we’ll add you to our list of official channels.
Here are some recommendations for official UB social media channels:
Official UB web and social media pages/accounts MUST include a link or reference to UB’s Comment Guidelines.
Official UB web and social media page/accounts must include a link or reference to UB’s Comment Guidelines. Post (or link) to UB Comment Guidelines* in the appropriate location on your channel, as noted below.
*These guidelines are relevant ONLY to UB channels that display fan, follower or reader comments. These guidelines are NOT necessary to post if your audience comments and feedback are not publicly visible.
Please Note:
Official UB web and social media pages/accounts MUST include a link or reference to UB’s Comment Guidelines. Official UB social media pages/accounts are eligible for inclusion in UB directories, other university-wide listings and social media sharing networks. They also may be liked or followed by UB’s institutional channels.
UB online publications, newsletters, blogs (etc.) that publish feedback, comments or letters to the editor from the public, should clearly describe their guidelines for reviewing, accepting, rejecting and publishing such commentary. Be sure to add a Comment Guideline reference to your online Comments forms, discussion areas, About pages or anywhere public comments or feedback are visible. Please use the following text as a guide for your statement.
Sample Letter-to-the-Editor statement
<PUBLICATION/BLOG TITLE > welcomes letters, comments and feedback <SPECIFY AS NECESSARY: from public? members of the UB community?>—related to its stories and content.
While championing the right of free speech, the UB <publication/blog name> editor reviews letters, comments and feedback to ensure they are in line with UB’s Comment Guidelines and other policies.
By submitting letters, comments or feedback, you give UB permission to publish your feedback (in whole or in part) online or in print.
UB reserves the right not to publish letters, comments or feedback, letters or comments that:
It is not the responsibility of UB to authenticate information presented in published letters, comments or feedback.
How to submit letters, comments or feedback
UB <publication/blog name> only accepts letters, comments and feedback that are:
Comments on articles and features should not exceed 125 <#> words; those needing more space to make their point should write a Letter to the Editor, rather than posting multiple comments.
Letters to the <publication/blog name> Editor should be succinct and should not exceed 800 <#> words.
If your web page is in UBCMS
If your web page is NOT in UBCMS
Add a reference/link to UB Comment Guidelines to the “About” tab by following these steps:
Suggested Text
UB loves hearing from you and we welcome and encourage open, thoughtful discussion. We apply UB Comment Guidelines to help our readers share their thoughts in safe and engaging digital spaces. You can find those guidelines here:
Where to add Comments Guidelines in Facebook
Example of Comment Guideline reference in Facebook page profile.
X profiles have very limited space. If space allows, add a link/reference to UB Comment Guidelines on your official UB X account profile:
Suggested Text
#UBuffalo welcomes the open exchange of thought-provoking ideas & opinions! For house rules:
Example of Comment Guideline reference in Twitter Profile.
On your official UB Instagram profile, add a reference & link to UB Comment Guidelines
Suggested Text
#UBuffalo’s official Instagram. Keep your #HornsUp. It's #Good2BeBlue! UB welcomes the open exchange of ideas & opinions! For house rules:
Example of Instagram profile with Comment Guideline reference.
On your official UB Pinterest profile, add a reference & link to UB Comment Guidelines
Suggested Text
University at Buffalo (UB)'s official Pinterest page. #UBuffalo welcomes the open exchange of ideas & opinions! For house rules:
Add a reference to UB Comment Guidelines to the “Profile” on your LinkedIn COMPANY page by following these steps:
Suggested Text
Same as Facebook
Example of Comment Guideline reference in LinkedIn Company Page profile
Add a reference/link to UB Comment Guidelines in the “About” tab on any official UB Youtube page
Suggested Text
Same as Facebook
Example of Comment Guidelines reference in Youtube profile.
For UB Internal Use Only