Demo Sites

These pages demonstrate how features look and work.

Last reviewed: June 27, 2024

Option 1: Demo Site

The standard Demo Site provides live examples showing UBCMS components and features as they look and function on a published website.

  • See what the component and features look and act like
  • Show examples to others
  • Test how a component reacts to RWD

Option 2: Interactive Playground

This interactive version of the Demo Site provides the same examples as our normal Demo Site, with one big difference. Just like opening the hood of a car to see the engine, you can open any of the examples in the site and 'look under the hood' to examine the settings or even edit the components to explore further. Play to your hearts content.

This site is located on our Training Server

  • Any UB employee or student should be able to log into this server, but contact the DCT Help Desk if you encounter difficulties.
  • Access from off-campus (outside of UB's secure networks) requires use of Virtual Private Network (VPN) software.

Use this site to:

  • See how to set up these components to produce different results
  • Play around with the components to get a feel for them
  • Test how a component reacts to RWD

Leave no trace

We encourage you to change settings but please try to return things to the way you found them. Someone may be using this site at the same time you are. The site is reset every morning, but we want the next visitor to have the same great experience.

Consider making a quick copy

You may find it useful to make a copy of any of the demo pages so you can do some serious experimentation, without worrying about undoing your changes. Once you are done, please just delete any new pages.

The Training server requires a secure UB network. To work from off campus, you will need to run Virtual Private Network software (VPN).

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