Embed a YouTube Video

Embed YouTube videos--the UBCMS has no native player.  

On this page:

  • Images require Alt text.
  • Keep the default YouTube settings.
  • Let users control animations.
  • Videos must have captions.

> Read more about making this component accessible.

Last reviewed: January 3, 2024


We recommend YouTube as a video hosting platform. YouTube is used widely around the world -- the second most searched site after Google.com -- and is reasonably easy to use. In additionn to being free, it provides a good closed captioning service to help satisfy ADA accessibility requirements. The UBCMS Video and Video Galley components allow YouTube videos to be quickly loaded on your pages where they can be played in place by your site visitors.

UB Channels

> Consider pulling content from these  major university channels

UB Panopto

As an alternative to YouTube, consider UB's recommended  video recording software. > embedding Panopto

Embedding Video in the UBCMS

These components all support YouTube videos.

  • Slide Deck: Horizontal
    Corral webpages and present them to visitors as slides that are showcased one at a time, on rotation.

Videos published in portrait mode (YouTube 'shorts') will display horizontally in the UBCMS. Consider encouraging visitors to view them full size.  Read more about this Known Issue.

YouTube is cracking down on copyrighted materials and is removing videos and even shutting down channels that use music (or other assets) without clear authorization from the copyright owner.

This is affecting virtually all videos on YouTube. Many UB channels and videos, including the most highly trafficked, are at risk. Channel owners can dispute claims if they believe copyright infringement claims are invalid.

It is important that all UB communicators who use YouTube videos take immediate action and in future act with care to avoid losing their channel or having their videos blocked by copyright owners.

Accessibility Concerns

Captioning Videos

YouTube has built-in captioning tools.

Additional Resources

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