Embed a YouTube video in a custom player.
Last reviewed: January 3, 2024
This component only works for YouTube videos. For other platforms, try an HTML Snippet.
This component has only one tab.
Videos can be displayed singly, using this component, or as a gallery using the Video Gallery component. They can also be given descriptions. The Video Player settings include options for Auto Play, Full Screen Mode, Including Related Videos, Looping, HD Quality, Video Annotations and Pop-up display.
As an alternative to YouTube, consider UB's recommended video recording software. > embedding Panopto
> Consider pulling content from these major university channels
Click the wrench icon to 'configure' these settings.
The component opened for editing.
YouTube Video Link: Identify your video in one of these three ways:
Alt text - Your video is automatically given a thumbnail image with the play button.
Play in Popup - Not recommended (can be distracting).
Video Player Options - Select any additional features:
Start At - Set an optional starting point partway into the video (e.g. "30s", "20m30s", "3h20m30s").
YouTube is cracking down on copyrighted materials and is removing videos and even shutting down channels that use music (or other assets) without clear authorization from the copyright owner.
This is affecting virtually all videos on YouTube. Many UB channels and videos, including the most highly trafficked, are at risk. Channel owners can dispute claims if they believe copyright infringement claims are invalid.
It is important that all UB communicators who use YouTube videos take immediate action and in future act with care to avoid losing their channel or having their videos blocked by copyright owners.
Alternative text ('alt text') is a short, written description that describes the appearance, content and/or function of an image on a webpage. Adding alt text is a best practice for all your UBCMS images and is required for accessibility so users will understand what they are not seeing.
Alt text is required in these contexts:
* When the image is a link, starts an animation or video, or is a navigational element, alt text should indicate its function, not the image's content (i.e., "watch video ABC" and not "screenshot from video ABC"). Screen readers will treat this image as a standard link.
Purely decorative images (those that do not convey content or have a function on the page as listed above) can instead be set as "This image does not require Alt text" in some components. If the component does not have that setting, you will still need to supply Alt text.
Alt text should be added to images in Assets. This is required for images that are then used in the Photo Gallery component, while it can also be used as an alternate source for Alt text in some components (e.g. the Photo setting 'Get Alt text from Assets').
Best practice:
Text Over Photo provides an accessible alternative to using images that have embedded text.
> Learn more about the Text Over Photo component.
The user should control carousels, slideshows and video, so they are not confused by unexpected behavior and to provide enough time for them to process each segment.
Best practice:
These recommendations are supported by default in UBCMS carousel, slideshow and video components. Please comply with this best practice if you embed external video or animations.
Videos that automatically popup, autoplay, or loop can be confusing for some users, and will probably annoy everyone in general. It is always best to let the user decide how to interact with your website.
Video must also have controls to start/stop and replay, which are standard for YouTube, which is why we recommend its use.
Best practice: keep the default settings when using the Video component.
All videos on UBCMS websites must have synchronized captions. An additional transcript is optional, but if provided, should be closely associated with the video player. Captions (and transcripts) support those who cannot see or hear your video.
Best practice: captions are most easily added using the automated tools on YouTube, even if the final placement is not in that platform.
Below is a live example of a YouTube video embedded using this component.
A YouTube video in the Video Component, set to start at 10 seconds.