Shared Content Reference Component

Display shared content on your page.

On this page:

Last reviewed: November 14, 2022

Using This Component

This component has one tab.

Once the Shared Content Reference component is built, a publishing status indicator is displayed as well as a “Go to source of” helper link, allowing you to click through to the source page.

Technical Restrictions

  • You can only share content from pages that you can view in Author. That normally includes anything in Shared Content.

Configure - Main Settings

Click the wrench icon to 'configure' these settings.

Shared Content Reference Tab

Reference: Click the magnifying glass to select the page from which you would like obtain content. Normally this will be shared content, and the path will thus begin /content/shared/...

Description: Provide optional text that is displayed in Author when the content is not visible; e.g. for code in an HTML Snippet.

Advanced Tab

Use dynamic reference: Check the box to bypass server caching, which ensures the content you are displaying on your page is current with the original version.

  • Generally this is only used when the referenced content changes quite frequently and is not needed if the shared content includes embedded content such as an Events List.   

Host page: By default the page that "hosts" the shared content is the same page that the reference component is on, so leave this field blank to use your current page as the the host.

Additional Information

When a Shared Content Reference is loaded with content, switch to Preview Mode to see a helpful “Go to source of” link, plus a publishing status indicator.

A green icon indicates published content, while red indicates it is unpublished, and blue indicates it has been modified. In the example below, the displayed news story is live and shows a small green icon.

See an Example

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