Provide a timestamp (e.g. for stories or announcements).
Last reviewed: December 8, 2022
There is no 'today option. Delete the date and when you open the picker, it will automatically jump to today's date.
This component only has one tab.
Date Created was especially intended to add a publication date to news articles. When this component is present or added to a page, it will show the initial date and time this page was created. This can then be modified, and the new datetime will be locked in as the page’s ‘postDate’.
It works with the News List Component and other Lists to generate a chronological list of stories sorted by postDate, as well as to allow readers to see the date a story was originally released. Accordingly, some page templates, like the News Article Template, automatically add this component when they are used to create a new page.
When the datetime surpasses five years, on a published page, this component will display an additional message: "This content is archived." with a link to a page that explains how the content may no longer be fully accessible. This feature can be disabled using the Archive note setting.
Click the wrench icon to 'configure' these settings.
Label - The label is the text displayed before the date. By default this is the word Published.
Post Date - This is the date that you consider the accompanying news article to be published or made available.
(Time is optional, but if you do not choose a time, the CMS will use the time the page was modified.)
Date/time format - Choose from date only (default) or date and time. (See examples in right sidebar.)
Archive note - Choose between Display archive note and Do not display archive note. The archive note is automatically displayed on all published pages with a datetime that surpasses five years. This additional message -- "This content is archived." links to a page that explains how the content may no longer be fully accessible. (See the examples below.)
This component has built-in functionality to assist with your site's accessibility needs.
UB accessibility policy allows older webpages to be archived so they no longer need to be stewarded for accessibility (including broken links) when they are older than five years. The pages just need to be labeled as 'archived' -- they do not need to be physically relocated.
This component automatically displays "this article is archived content" on a published page when its datetime surpassing five years. The statement then links to a page that explains your content may no longer be fully accessible (e.g. it may have outdated information, dead links, or other issues) plus a path to request accommodations.
Here are two examples:
Published April 4, 2029
Created April 1, 1964 at 12:15 AM This content is archived.