Dynamic List Search Component

Search Dynamic List content.

On this page:

Last Reviewed: May 20, 2022

This is one of a series of Dynamic List components that are designed to work together, centering on the Dynamic List Builder. The other (optional) elements are below in Related Components.

Using This Component

This component only has one tab.

The search does not have to initiate on the dynamic list page itself, but once the visitor searches, the results display on the main dynamic list page.

Technical Restrictions

  1. This is one of a series of Dynamic List components that are designed to work together. The others are listed in Related Components (right sidebar).
  2. This component must reference a page with a dynamic list.

Configure - Main Settings

Click the wrench icon to 'configure' these settings.

Dynamic List Search Tab

List page - Specify the location in the UBCMS of the corresponding dynamic list. If left blank, the default is the current page.

You must configure this component to reference a page with a dynamic list.

Button text - Label the button that users click to start the search. If left blank, the 'Search' will be displayed.

Placeholder text - Display a phrase in the search box, to guide how people use the search (optional). This is overwritten by the user's search query.

Label text - Add a heading to be displayed atop the search component (optional).

How This Search Functions

This search is quite basic and functions quite differently from the standard Search component. (The standard and site-wide search use our main Funnelback engine, while this component uses native the UBCMS engine.)

In general, all words in the search query must be present in the matching page. 

There is some 'stemming' based on the Porter Algorithm so the matching does not have to be an exact match word to word.

Where stemming works well:

  • Word endings such as -s, -es, -ed, -ing, -ful, -ous, but there are exceptions; e.g. -es endings may not always be trimmed as expected when the base word ends with an ’s’ (e.g. campuses -> campus fails).
  • Words ending with an -ing which stem down to a word that ends with an -e (e.g. flaming -> flame; differentiation -> differentiate).
  • Word suffixes requiring a duplicated consonant (e.g. run -> running). 
  • A singular to plural transition from -y to -ies.
  • Some more complicated stemming work, such as in -tion -> -e, such as declaration -> declare & differentiation -> differentiate.

Where stemming falters:

  • Prefixes do not work: restart will not match start or starts.
  • It is not based on a comprehnsive dictionary, so it does work with changes in words transitioned to past tense (e.g. run -> ran). 
  • Does not handle -y endings on words (e.g. frosty -> frost). 
  • Does not match words that have more specific/complex endings (e.g. tactful -> tact works, but tactician/tactfully/tactical -> tact do not work).

One good example of a base word with many different extended forms is wonder, which is successfully matched to wonderful, wondering, wondered, wonders (all simple suffixes or changes) but not to wondrous.

See an Example

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