Known Issues & Workarounds

Encountered an unexpected problem? Look here first for workarounds.


Found a new 'bug' or quirk'..? Please share your findings to benefit the entire UBCMS community.

  • YouTube video displays a gray thumbnail
    Video components display their YouTube video with gray generic thumbnail. This correlates with selecting the 'play in popup' setting.
  • More than one Formstack form per page causes problems
    Authors have reported various problems when two or more Formstack form are loaded onto one UBCMS page.
  • Secure Page Does Not Show Site Navigation
    When a published secure page is viewed, the normal site navigation is incomplete.
  • External RSS feeds are not updating / in synch
    RSS content can become outdated with the external feed.
  • Formstack form required fields do not validate
    Validation fails on fields that are prefilled.
  • Cannot add an image from Assets to a photo component
    Clicking the image icon to select an image from Assets (the DAM) does not work. An author clicks the little image icon, a dialog box opens showing Assets, they navigate to the desired image, click 'Select', and return to the component but no asset is actually selected, and the reference path is never set.
  • Photo Gallery images are out of order
    The image order of the live gallery does not match what is shown in Author or in the parent Assets folder.
  • YouTube video or play list won't open - "not found" or "forbidden" error
    YouTube videos or playlists occasionally will not open from a link on a UBCMS page.
  • UB Box embed stuck in login loop
    When a UB Box folder is embedded on a page, users are required to log in to see that content, but the login process loops not allowing them to enter Box.
  • YouTube shorts (portrait mode) videos display poorly
    YouTube videos created in portrait mode display undesirably in landscape mode in the UBCMS.
  • Photo Galleries do not load or load very slowly
    We have seen cases where the older version of the Photo Gallery (pre 2023) does not load quickly or seems to never load. In this situation, the problem seems to be unreliability and poor response due to the file size of the images being displayed from the DAM. Extremely large images can be a problem, as well as lots of relatively large images.  
  • Horizontal scroll bar appears on tablets or when a page is zoomed
    When a page is manually resized, sometimes a horizontal scroll bar will unexpectedly appear.
  • List no longer supports datestamps (or other display formats)
    A list may display datestamps on your live page but there is no corresponding display setting in Author.
  • Internal links act unexpectedly in Preview mode (e.g. 'open in new window')
    Internal links (e.g. site navigation) may load unexpectedly in Preview mode.
  • External links act unexpectedly in Preview mode
    Some links to external websites will not load or load unexpectedly in Preview mode.
  • Cannot find/edit a published page ('orphan')
    A page or piece of shared content sometimes is published under a name that no longer exists on the author system. This can happen if a user without publishing rights renames a published page, or possibly for other reasons.
  • Google Analytics historical data before May 30, 2012
    Google Analytics data prior to May 30, 2012 will include statistics from both the authoring and live environments and therefore will not accurately reflect public use of your published website.
  • Server caching: newest feed content not posting
    Your site includes content such as a news or events feed from another UBCMS or external source, and what is shown on your site doesn't update when that external feed changes. This has to do with server caching.
  • Secure page hidden in List
    Secure pages are by design only accessible to a user once they have successfully logged in through Shibboleth. In some cases, like the List Component, the UBCMS is smart enough to not even reveal a link to a secure page unless the user should see the link, but this makes it difficult to naturally reveal these pages in lists.
  • External links do not load in Author
    In the author environment, clicking links to external sites sometimes shows a warning message, or loads a blank or mostly blank page or does not load the new page at all.
  • Having trouble linking downloadable files in Assets (DAM)
    Your links to a downloadable file (e.g. a PDF) are not showing up on your published site.
  • Be sure to select No jQuery before embedding Formstack forms
    Before embedding a Formstack form on your UBCMS page in an HTML Snippet, be sure to check 'don't need jQuery'.
  • Cannot make an editable child for a Redirect page
    When a page has been created using the Redirect Template, and a child page is added, the content on the child page cannot be modified.
  • Page editing slow / lists break when too many components are included
    When a page contains more than 400 components, page editing becomes harder. Lists displaying more than 500 teasers will break the list and generate a server error.
  • Tags moved or merged leave 'ghosts' on existing tagged pages
    When a tag is moved or merged, any pages already carrying that tag retain a 'ghost' of the original tag in their meta-data. This can corrupt tagged lists that are built on a parent of the original tag.
  • Open in New Page setting does not apply to links that are in 'Full Content' lists
    When a list is set to display Full Content, the component's settings to Open in New Page do not apply to links that occur in those full content pages.
  • Anchors misbehave in Author
    In the author environment, anchors may behave unexpectedly, and not always load the browser at the right part of the page.
  • "No Rights to Replicate" warning
    When a non-publisher attempts to activate a page which includes content for which they do not have permissions, an error message is displayed and that referenced content is not published.
  • Do not be confused by an overlong activation queue
    You may observe an orange marker and a message stating that your activation is 'queued', even though your changes have already appeared with the normal speed on your published website.
  • Published changes not appearing to all users
    Rarely a new or modified page is activated, the changes are not visible to all users on the published website.
  • Links to unpublished pages can be broken on live sites
    Except for lists, the UBCMS does not hide links to unpublished pages on live sites.
  • Home page cannot be a Host page
    Host pages are used to display shared content, such as news stories. The UBCMS will not allow you to use your home page in that manner.
  • Blurry images in RWD mode on desktop (IE 11)
    Some photos may appear blurry on a large-screen computer when viewed in reduced size using RWD mode.
  • Vanity URLs do not work on secure pages
    It is not possible to add a working Vanity URL to an authenticated page unless your Vanity URL also ends in '-pw.' 
  • Missing Social Buttons -- Ad Blocker
    We've heard one report of Social Buttons suddenly going 'missing'.
  • Cannot edit contents of Collapsible Content Containers
    When in Edit mode, there is no obvious way to expand the container to view or edit its contents--clicking the container merely controls editing the container's settings.
  • Warning about page opening in a pop-up
    When using the keyboard shortcut to Edit a page in Flex UI, some authors are warned about the page opening in a pop-up window. (This does not occur when clicking the Edit button.)
  • Editing components that are hard to select
    Occasionally a component is hard to select to open it for editing or to move.
  • "Sorry, Could Not Start Image Editor..." warning in Photo component
    Editing this component (clicking the pencil icon) BEFORE you have added a photo will generate an error "Sorry, could not start image editor..."  
  • "Reduce Image Size Before Uploading" warning
    When uploading an image into a photo component or other image module, the component displays an error when saved.
  • Photo Gallery image with valid Alt text falsely flagged as accessibility error
    A page is flagged for an accessibility error despite having valid Alt text.
  • Pasting from an external table into a UBCMS Table does not always work
    Authors report inconsistent behavior when they attempt to copy content from an external source (e.g. Excel table) and paste it directly into an existing UBCMS Table component.
  • Opening a page in a new tab/window loses the header
    When in Edit mode, clicking to open a link in a new browser tab or window loads the new page without the Flex UI header, removeing 'editor.html/' from the page URL in the location bar. Opening in the same tab works normally.
  • Faces and Voices Hero Component overwhelms page in Author
    When a Faces and Voices Hero component is loaded onto a page with a lot of other content (especially in multiple columns), it may confusingly display over top of existing components, making it difficult to see and edit the the underlying components.