UB Box embed stuck in login loop

Reviewed November 6, 2023

The Issue

When a UB Box folder is embedded on a page, users are required to log in to see that content, but the login process loops not allowing them to enter Box.


This is a documented short coming in the Box widget: "The Embed Widget may not load on your website if third party cookies are blocked in the browser or if 'Allow cross-website tracking' is not enabled on mobile browser." If the user is already logged into UB Box, the widget will sometimes work.


  1. This obstacle can be overridden by the enduser by turning off any ad blockers and adjusting browser security settings (e.g. in Chrome, go to Settings -> Privacy and Security -> Third party cookies and check "Allow third-party cookies"). But opening up security settings is not ideal, and requiring visitors to take this step is not a great user experience for them.
  2. As an alternative, consider linking directly to the Box folder's shareable URL (e.g. in a Call to Action).

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