Fat Footer Components

Use these components to customize the main footer configuration.

Primary Footer Components

  • Footer Container
    Display contact details, affiliations, and key links below every page.

Secondary Footer Components

These provide additional content to the main footer container.
* Components flagged below have the same settings as their core/more component versions.

  • Body Text *
    Write the main content of a page in Body Text.
  • Divider *
    This component allows vertical separation of your page, providing a horizontal line (or 'rule') or a specified height of white space between components.
  • List Builder *
    Create a wide variety of lists, teasers, or an entire reveal of other pages and shared content that can be set up manually or automated by the UBCMS.
  • Photo *
    Place an image on your page with the Photo component.
  • Shared Content Reference *
    Display content from another page within the UBCMS.
  • Social Button
    Customized social media links.
  • Title *
    Sections of a page can be labeled with these four heading styles.
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