Dynamic List Tag Facet Component

List all tags for pages matching a Dynamic List query. (Tags load all pages with same tag.)

On this page:

Last reviewed: May 20, 2022

This is one of a series of Dynamic List components that are designed to work together, centering on the Dynamic List Builder. The other (optional) elements are below in Related Components.

Using This Component

This component has only one tab.

The list will show all tags associated with pages that match a query to dynamic list content. Each tag will be followed by the number of items associated with that tag. Tags can optionally be shown in a 'cloud', with the font size correlating to their frequency of use. Clicking the tag category will return a list of all associated items.  

Technical Restrictions

  1. This is one of a series of Dynamic List components that are designed to work together. The others are listed in Related Components (right sidebar).
  2. This component must reference a page with a dynamic list in the List page setting.

Configure - Main Settings

Click the wrench icon to 'configure' these settings.

Dynamic List Tab

Title - Provide a descriptive title to be displayed on the published page.

Text - Provide descriptive text as a hint for users (e.g "Explore matches by month.").

List page - Specify the location in the UBCMS of the corresponding dynamic list. If left blank, the default is the current page.

You must configure this component to reference a page with a dynamic list.

Tag roots - Specify where in the UBCMS the relevant tags are to be found. All children of this choice will be used.

e.g. '/etc/tags/audience/' for Target Audience tags ('Alumni,' 'Faculty,' 'Student').
e.g. '/etc/tags/ub-entity/news-center/ub-news-topic' for the News Center's news topics.

Display as - Choose from:

  • List (default) - The standard bulleted list; e.g. '>  topic x (2).'
  • Compact - The standard compact list; e.g. 'topic-x (2), topic-y (7).'
  • Tag cloud - Tags that are associated with more items are shown in larger font sizes. Tags with no value are not shown.

Order by - Choose from:  

  • Most frequently used (default)
  • Alphabetical

Limit - Show a maximum of this number of tags.

Min use - Only display tags that are found on pages at least this many times.

When list is hidden - Choose from:

  • Hide facets when list is not visible (default).
  • Show facets when list is not visible

See an Example

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