Compare Pages (DIFF)

Compare two versions of a page, usually the current with the last published.

Sometimes it is helpful to look at another version of a page in comparison to the current version.

  1. In the Sites Console, select your page.
  2. Click the Toggle Side Panel button and open the Timeline drawer.
  3. The most recent changes are at the bottom. Click More... to see older details.
    • Tip: you can filter the list to just show versions using the dropdown menu at the top of the Timeline.
  4. Click a saved Version to reveal the option to Compare to Current.
    • A new screen will load, showing both pages. The current version is on the left, while the other version is on the right.
    • Some differences are color coded: new components or text additions highlighted in green and deletions in red.
    • Highlights only apply to content that is actually part of page. External references to Shared Content pages in lists or embeds, DAM assets, or third party sites will show whatever is current in those locations. Site Navigation (to other pages) will also show current content.
  5. Click Close (upper right of the window) or back up in the browser when you are finished.

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