Build a directory to promote your faculty, with a standardized design that supports different department needs.
Last reviewed: October 27, 2022
This procedure creates standardized personnel directories. The resulting profiles have a standardized look and feel but use the Tabs component so they are extremely flexible to support different department needs. They are built in Shared Content and tagged to allow automated creation of fine-grained collections that can be extended across or between schools. The templates were intended for faculty, but could also be applied to staff if desired.
Each profile is built from two pages, one in the Shared Content of the faculty member's primary department which holds the actual content, while the second is a 'master page' in the UBCMS Authoritative Content area and holds the tags.
Live example of faculty profiles.
In your site's Shared Content area, build a page for each faculty member whose primary affiliation is with your department. These steps just require normal author and publisher permissions.
We recommend naming the parent folder 'Profiles' or 'Faculty Profiles;' e.g. /content/shared/sphhp/rehabilitation-science/profiles/faculty/bull-victor.html . Then for each page, use the Faculty Profile Template (Authoritative Content).
Schools can decide if they wish to manage one master folder, or set up a folder for each of their departments. If you need pages for faculty whose primary affiliation is NOT in your department, email the DCT Help Team.
Each entry contains a general profile, contact information, affiliations and credentials, plus additional details about research, teaching, and other activities.
Additional content can be built out on each page using standard components, but we recommend you instead develop a standardized set of child pages under each profile page which are then displayed using the Tabs component. We suggest you develop a consistent plan that best suits your department and school's needs.
Just create profile pages for faculty members whose primary appointment is in your unit. (For faculty outside your unit, you will need to rely on tags and consult with their primary department on whose site their page should reside.)
Title - Please follow this standard naming convention: last name and then first name (e.g. "Bull, Victoria S.").
Name - Please follow this standard naming convention: lastname dash firstname dash initial. The initial is optional (no period).
e.g. /content/shared/sphhp/rehabilitation-science/profiles/faculty/bull-victor.html
e.g. /content/shared/sphhp/rehabilitation-science/profiles/faculty/bull-victoria-s.html
For each profile page, there are three default editable areas, a Profile, a Teaser, and an additional content area (usually for the Tabs component).
This area has a series of tabs: Personal, Professional, Additional Resources, and Image.
Profile Page opened for editing showing the Personal tab with an example of Victor Bull.
Research Interests/Creative Activities
For Titles, list UB positions, with most important first (e.g. dean, chair, director, titled professorship, regular academic line). Best practice: list each title on a separate line, spell out in full and capitalize.
Department 1 (Primary)
Department 2
Department 3
School Affiliation (Secondary)
School Affiliation (Tertiary)
Profile Page opened for editing showing the Professional tab.
Here you can provide a series of links, usually for more information about the faculty member's work, or to related offices. These links will appear on the right, below their contact information.
Display Title
Profile Page opened for editing showing the Additional Resources tab.
Add a suitable image, usually a portrait. This tab works the same as the standard Photo Component.
Profile Page opened for editing showing the Image tab.
Additional settings for the image.
Alt text - Provide descriptive information about the image that allows people who cannot see the image to understand what they are missing (read more about image accessibility).
Hide Photo - Select if you do not wish the image to be seen.
Here you can add an image, usually a portrait, for display in Lists.
In the middle of the page, you can add components to display additional content. While you can include simple content like a secondary Title and Body Text, we intended this to house a Tabs component that would point to child pages of this profile page, possibly named 'Research,' 'Teaching,' and perhaps 'Service.'
For each faculty profile page you build in your department's Shared Content area, you will need a corresponding page in Authoritative Shared Content; e.g. /content/authoritative/profiles/bull-victor.
These pages are built using a special template called the Faculty Profile Master Template (Authoritative Content). They have no content of their own, except for a redirect to the location of their corresponding faculty profile page (in your shared content) that is set in Properties, as well as tags for their department affiliation(s) -- to allow the linked page to be displayed in faculty lists on your website and any other relevant department sites. These tags can also include other university roles and additional details such as research topics or creative interests.
Select the Request Master Profile workflow.
Access to Authoritative Shared Content is limited to key people representing each major unit. To create the Master Profile page that corresponds with their local Department Profile, regular authors will use a Workflow, called Request Master Profile.
Once you build a profile page, click the Equalizer button, then Start Workflow, and select it from the available workflows. This will send a request to someone with authority to create the Master Profile who will review your work and complete the process when ready.
The Request Master Profile workflow will create the page itself, including the redirect to your department profile, but the workflow approver is charged with ensuring:
If this is not the faculty member's primary unit, outreach to the owner of the primary Department Profile and ask them to add additional details, such as a secondary school or department affiliation and additional tags.
This process will create the Master Profile, but it will not be live until someone with permissions publishes that authoritative shared content page.
Tags will likely still need to be added. To adjust the tags, and to publish the page, please work through your Unit Web Leader / Site Manager, or use the Tag Information Request form.
Let us know if you need to include an afilliated or adjunct faculty member whose primary appointment is EXTERNAL to UB.
We will add their Department Profile to the Authoritative 'affiliated' folder (/content/authoritative/profiles/affiliated/).
Contact the DCT Help Team if you have questions about who can approve your department profiles.
These details are for those people who have access to the Authoritative Shared Content area of the UBCMS.
Normally the Request Master Profile workflow will create the page for you, including the redirect, but you will still need to add any tags.
For those who have authorization to adjust a Master Profile page, set the redirect and tags in Properties.
Master Profile page when first opened.
Master Profile page Properties
For the tags, we will draw on existing tags in these collections. The tags marked with an asterisk (*) are currently in use:
We welcome additional tag suggestions, but please be advised that some combinations are not possible. For example, several units have asked about tags for Affiliated or Adjunct status. If they have a variety of roles at UB, while they may be 'affiliated' with your department, their primary role at UB is most likely something else, such as Tenure-Track Faculty, and we have no way of connecting your departmental tag with their role just in your department. Without this ability, a faculty member would thus be listed as 'affiliated' AND 'tenure-track' in your department AND also 'affiliated' AND 'tenure-track' with their primary department. Instead, please develop your own additional unit-specific tags in your own tagging area.
Faculty Profiles can be displayed in a variety of ways, but we recommend using the List Builder, or the Dynamic List components.
On your website, add a List Builder component to the page, then set Build list using: Tags, and set the Limit to these paths to the Authoritative Shared Content area (/content/authoritative/profiles/) and NOT your own site's shared content area.
For the Tags, one will be for your unit (e.g. 'Website: School of public Health and Health Professions'). Additional tags can be used to build smaller lists of just Tenure-Track Faculty versus Adjuncts, to separate your faculty by department, or to separate your faculty by research or creative interests.
Reveal additional details about each faculty member by setting Display as to 'Teasers: with images' or 'Teasers: Directory (with interests)'.
A list displaying 'Teasers with images' (no interests).
A list displaying the 'Teasers: Directory (research interests).'
If you have developed a rich collection of tags for your faculty (e.g. research topics), you can also build collections using the various dynamic list components. These will additionally display the associated tags, which will provide additional ways to navigate your directory.
Unit Web Leaders and Site Managers can view university-wide faculty profile information, then separate it out by school or department.
Profile Report.