
Site details, including users, page status, annotations, vanity URLs, references, tags and use of external resources.

On this page:

Last reviewed: September 27, 2024


screenshot of the Start page.

UBCMS Start page

Reports are linked from the Start page as you log into UBCMS.

From the Sites Console, click the Adobe Experience Manager logo at the top left of any admin page. If you are in the Edit Console, you will need to return to the Sites Console first. Click the equalizer icon (upper left of the window) and then 'View in Admin.'

On the Start page, click the hammer icon ('Tools ') in the upper left of the window, then click UB Custom Tools.

> Direct link to Reports (login required)

Create a Report

  1. Click New Report to enter a wizard, with these steps.
  2. Choose from available templates. Click the thumbnail to select it (e.g. 'Annotation Report').
  3. Click Next.
  4. Enter a Title.
  5. Click Create.
  6. A message states 'Your report has been created.' Click Done or click Open to go immediately into that report.

Your new report will be listed but often needs further configuration.  If you click Open, you will immediately be required to configure the report before it can load.

Open a Report

  1. From the list, click the thumbnail then click Open in the Command Menu.
  2. If your report needs configuration, the Report Configuration dialog box will open.
  3. You will often be asked for one or more Root paths.
    • Add each path to filter down to just your site's pages.
    • Enter them manually or click the checkmark icon to 'Open Selection Dialog'. 
    • Multiple locations can be added.
    • Be sure to include your main pages and shared content if appropriate.
      e.g. "/content/www/cmshelp" for the Web Management website.
      e.g. "/content/shared/www/cmshelp" for Web Management's shared content.
  4. Some reports have Additional options, which are noted below in Report Types.
  5. Click the checkmark icon at the top right of the dialog box when done, or the X to cancel.
  6. A new tab will open in your browser with your report.

Once a report is configured, the following options are available from the top of the report tool.  

Reload Report - Refresh the results.

Configure - Change the path(s) as needed to reach your site's pages. Some report types have additional options, which are noted below in Report Types.

Download CSV - Get a version suitable for use in Google docs or Excel (more on this below).

Import CSV Changes - The page report supports interactive changes with your UBCMS pages.

  • Please be very careful with this feature since the changes cannot be undone.

Save Changes - After making manual changes to the report, or using the Import CSV Changes feature, click to save them into the UBCMS. (Note, your initial changes will be in yellow highlight until they are saved.)

Be Careful Making Live Changes

Some reports allow changes to be made to UBCMS pages that cannot easily be undone.

Preview mode interferes with some report adjustments and is now switched off automatically when viewing reports.

Report Types

Be Careful Making Live Changes

Some reports allow changes to be made to UBCMS pages. These changes cannot easily be undone.


  1. Reports only display what you personally can view in the UBCMS.
  2. Reports CAN see content on secure pages, since those pages are not actually restricted in the author environment.

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