Development Space (Sandbox)

We can provide a 'sandbox' area to assist in developing your site.

On This Page:

Last Reviewed: September 20, 2023

Short Term Experiments

For projects that are short in duration (< one week).

We offer short term experimentation on a copy of your existing site on the QA server.

  • Content is automatically copied over regularly to this server.
  • Work completed on this server cannot be copied back to the Author environment.
  • Your modifications will be overwritten during the weekly refresh (Saturdays).
  • This server is subject to infrequent but unscheduled actions as needed to support the UBCMS.

Longer Term Experiments

For longer term experimentation from scratch on the Training Server.

  • Content cannot be copied over from the Author environment.
  • Work completed on this server cannot be copied back to the Author server.
  • Your modifications will exist until you tell us you are finished (subject to establishment of a reasonable tiem frame).

Questions for a form

+ Will you timeframe be short term (less than a week) or long term (more than a week)?

+ Do you wish to build a new site from scratch or to work on your existing site?

+ How "big" is the site (pages, assets, shared content)?. [Sites that are too big are not viable to copy to the training server. - Kevin]

+ Is this an actual site or just a section of another site? We can copy part of a site, but will also need to make allowances for the parent site's header/footer/navigation, shared content and digital assets. [Kevin]

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