Adjust user roles in the permissions groups that control access to sites in the UBCMS authoring environment.
Last Reviewed: June 28, 2022
Dvisions and decanal areas (with large teams) are encouraged to manage their own authors using this tool.
In Flex UI, the Group Manager is linked from the Start Page, under Tools and UB Custom Tools.
The tool loads showing all of YOUR group permissions.
The Group Manager tool with an example of "nursing."
To adjust group permissions
This tool does not validate your changes. If you type in a bad user name, you can delete them using the trash can icon, but that user profile must also be removed from the UBCMS. See 'Deleting a User Profile' below.
The Group Manager tool with an example of the group editing area.
To delete a user profile (e.g. when an employee leaves your unit), the User Admin console is required. Contact the DCT Help Team for assistance.