Explore the Start Page

Showcases the UBCMS start page. [3:54]

Two options for completing this exercise...
  1. Request a Self-Paced account on the Training Server. Then just follow the instructions as is.
  2. If you already have access to the main Author Server, adapt the instructions to fit your own site.


Once you have successfully logged in, you will see the Start Page, which provides access to the main parts of the UBCMS (Sites, Assets) plus other features. Depending on your role and permissions, you may see different content and features from your colleagues.


1. Log into the UBCMS.

2. Once on the Start page, explore its features:

  • Center of page: links to Sites, Assets, and Reports.
  • Top left: links to Tools (advanced knowledge needed).
  • Top right: Search, Help (links to documentation & forms), Inbox (for Workflow users) and your User Profile area.

Additional Reading