Move, Copy or Delete a Component

Showcases how to move, copy or delete components. [4:28]

Two options for completing this exercise...
  1. Request a Self-Paced account on the Training Server. Then just follow the instructions as is.
  2. If you already have access to the main Author Server, adapt the instructions to fit your own site.


UBCMS pages are built from building blocks called components, which can be moved, copied or deleted as desired by authors.


1. Log into the UBCMS.

2. Open the Sites Console and navigate to your site; e.g. Sites + Self-Paced Training + {your site}.

3. Open any page for editing.

4. Move a component:

  • Try Cut & Paste -- Select a component and click Cut (the scissors icon). Then click the desired new location, and click Paste (the icon looks like a clipboard). The component will relocate above the spot you selected.
  • Try Drag & Drop -- Use your mouse to select the component, hold the mouse button, then drag the component to another part of the page, and release the mouse button to drop it. Again, your component will relocate above that spot.

5. Copy a component:

  1. Select the component and click Copy (icon looks like a black page floating over a white page).
  2. Click the new location and click Paste (the clipboard icon).  

6. Delete a component:

  • Select a component and click Delete (the trashcan icon). Confirm your deletion, and it is gone.

To speed things up, there are keyboard shortcuts:

  • To Cut, select the component, then press Control- or Command-X.
  • To Copy, select the component, then press Control- or Command-C.
  • To Paste, select the new location for the component, then press Control- or Command-V.
  • To Delete, select the component, then press the ‘delete’ key.

You can also select several components at a time. Hold down the Control key, or the Command key on a MAC, and select each one in turn. Then do your Copy or Delete action.

And you can Undo, or Redo any of these changes using these standard keyboard shortcuts:

  • Control- or Command-Z to undo the change.
  • Control- or Command-Y to redo the change.
  • Or use the Undo/Redo arrow buttons that appear in the Commands Menu.

Additional Reading