Every unit goes through the DCT Process differently. Based on the type of unit you are, and the resources you are able to bring to the table your experience with the DCT Process is tailored to you. No matter what tier you participate in, or how rapidly you choose to execute the process, each unit goes through all the DCT Steps in a depth appropriate to their unit.
Your project needs to have priority at the top level within your unit as it requires that your unit commit time and energy to the process.
University Communications will provide support for each stage of the process, either through providing self-guided materials, coaching, consultations or working with you collaboratively, depending on your type of unit, and designated tier of participation.
The Collaborative tier partipants are directly tied to strategic priority and revenue generation (at the highest level), and serve many parts of UB—usually collaborating with multiple units across the university. These projects are instrumental in maintaining and/or enhancing our institutional reputation. "Collaborative" also applies to units or services that are designated as "mandatory" (e.g., emergency or compliance).
The Collaborative tier website properties are either owned by University Communications or by the respective Campus Unit. University Communicartions collaborate with the units that "own" their sites to produce and steward strategically positioned sites that best serve highest priority unviersity-wide needs and in developing content and functionality that can be leveraged by other units.
Collaborative Tier Websites Owned by Campus Unit(s):
Support Expectations
Units designated in the Guided Support tier contribute to revenue generation (at the higher levels), serving one or a few parts of the university. These projects are focused most heavily on building unit reputation.
Patricipating Guided Consultation website properties are owned by the respective Campus Unit. University Communications provides consultation and coaching to units to ensure rapid migration into the system. Units leverage and customize strategies, features and content, and produce content to meet their business needs.
COLLABORATIVE, GUIDED SERVICE Websites Owned by Campus Unit(s):
Support Expectations
Self-Guided entities are all other "official" university websites—those not meeting the criteria for a "COLLABORATIVE" or "GUIDED SUPPORT" designation.
SELF-GUIDED Websites Owned by Campus Unit(s):
Self Guided websites are owned by your campus unit and you are responsible for participating in and developing materials for all the steps in the DCT Process as well as migration of your site into the UBCMS. You will leverage standard features and content to meet your business needs, and University Communications provides standard tools and online resources.
University Communications will
Our expectations for DCT participants:
Any "official" university website is eligible to rapidly migrate to the UBCMS.
There are great benefits in simply being in the UBCMS. You have the opportunity to further elevate your site performance by investing time in working through the steps of the DCT process, which can be done anytime AFTER your site is migrated to the UBCMS.
Rapid Migration tier websites are owned by your campus unit and you are responsible for migration of your site into the UBCMS. You will leverage standard features and content to meet your business needs with the standard tools and online resources provided.
University Communications will:
Our expectations for DCT participants: