Follow these steps to complete the Digital Communications Transformation (DCT) process for your website.
The Digital Communications Transformation (DCT) strives to take the mystery out of technology, while providing our faculty and staff with easy-to-use tools that better facilitate effective online communication.
Sites in the Collaborative Tier go through all steps in the DCT process in collaboration with the DCT Team.
Sites in the Guided Support Tier go through the steps in the DCT process as designated by their Unit Web Leader (UWL). The UWL in some cases may request a consultation with the DCT Team as appropriate.
Self-Guided Tier sites ago through the steps in the DCT process as designated by their Unit Web Leader.
Websites are strategy-driven projects. Having the right people involved is essential for planning, content development and site building.
If you want a website that really works, it's important that your content supports both your organizational goals and your audiences' needs.
Leverage your Unit Business Strategy as a starting point.
Assess the current state of your website and any other content you may have. What information does it currently contain and what is the quality of the information?
This step can be done in parallel to crafting your Business Strategy.
Design a scalable site organization that supports the needs of both your organization and your audiences in a user-friendly and measureable way.
Get Ready
Rule of thumb:
Gather your planning documents for uploading:
screenshot of a generic Robust Academic website
screenshot of a generic Streamlined website
screenshot of a generic Basic website
screenshot of a generic Robust Administrative website
Pick your lauch date
> Learn more about the Site Launch process.
Fill out the Website Creation form to schedule your proposed site launch date. (Be prepared to share your launch date and number of pages.)
Create content that satisfies your business/organizational needs and the needs of your audiences. You may know what you want to tell your audience, but it is equally important to understand the needs of your audience, which may be very different from what you initially envisioned.
The number one reason sites are delayed is that they did not develop and produce their content on time.
And your last step should always be a thorough proofread of your site.
Smart sites start early by identifying who will be in charge of stewarding each area of your site, as well as how often pages, facts and stories should be updated.
The best way to make sure your site stays up to date is to NOT build a site you can not care for.
After Launch
Once you have created and remediated your content, get training on how to use the UB Content Management System (UBCMS).
4. If you have not addressed all your remaining accessibility issues before launch, contact the DCT Help Desk. We will work with Site Owner to identify a new date.
5. The Thursday before your planned launch date, fill out and submit the affirmation that your site is complete and accessible.
If we do not receive the Site Affirmation Form by the Thursday before your planned soft launch date, your soft launch will be cancelled and it will be up to you to reschedule.
Before you launch your site it needs to be done. Make sure to hide any pages you do not intend to activate or are not ready for review.
Carefully read and review the steps in Preparing to Launch a UBCMS Site
Fill out the Site Affirmation Form that your site is complete and accessible
Hint: Make sure you submit your affirmation on time. If we do not receive the Site Affirmation Form by the Thursday before your planned soft launch date, your soft launch will be cancelled and it will be up to you to reschedule.
Walk through every page and every link and review:
2. Check that there are no unfinished pages or “placeholder text or images”
3. Has the page been reviewed in Site Improve and any identified issues resolved
4. Did you activate all your pages?
If you see you are not making your site launch deadline, please contact the DCT Help Desk to reschedule as soon as possible.