Showcases the Divider component. [2:31]
Dividers are used to break up a page into visually distinct sections, so it is easier for readers to scan.
Please use the divider component for this purpose, rather than adding redundant blank lines to Body Text or other components.
By default, the Divider is a gray dotted line, which is effective, but if you prefer, the component can also be used to add extra 'white space' for even larger separation between content areas.
1. Log into the UBCMS.
2. Open the Sites Console and navigate to your site; e.g. Sites + Self-Paced Training + {your site}.
3. Choose any page on your site or create a new page.
4. Select that page and click Open in the Commands Menu that now appears.
5. To add a component...
6. Note how the component looks initially (a thin gray line).
7. Select the component, then click the wrench icon to Configure it.
8. Explore the main formating options:
9. Click the checkmark icon when you are done. (The 'X' cancels your changes.)
10. Observe the results.