New Feature or Enhancement Request

Got an idea for a new UBCMS component or feature, or even a change to the way the UBCMS currently works.  We want to hear your ideas. All ideas are reviewed and prioritization based on the needs of the enterprise.  We appreciate knowing what you think about the product.  Let us know if we can help you with anything else.

A lot of ideas are covered in Known Issues and Workarounds. Be sure to take a peek.

We want to hear your ideas, be sure to channel them through your Site Owner or Site Manager.

Please describe what you would like in as much detail as possible.
Please describe how this will help your department.
Give the URL of a page on your site that would be improved with the new component or feature.
Is there an existing UBCMS component or feature that might be modified to meet your needs.

Upload a screenshot, illustration, document, or other support material to help us understand your use case.

Help us with our assessment and prioritization.
