Report a Serious Problem For Your Site

Use this form to report an important part of your site is broken that needs to be fast tracked. This may be a bug, or an accidental user error with one of the many features or components.  

We will normally respond within one business day. If this becomes more urgent, call 645-6969.

Before contacting us, please be aware of the Known Issues and Workarounds section of this site. If you need help with the design or style of your pages, use the Request Help Formating My Content form.

If the UBCMS is down or running extremely slowly, or if this is a business-critical concern, follow our Critical Problem procedures.


Additional details will help us solve this issue.

Which site or page on the UBCMS are you referring to?

Screenshot often help us quickly diagnose the problem.

On a PC, click on your browser window then press Alt+PrtScn ('Print Screen' - upper right of the keyboard). Open Paint and paste in this screenshot. Don't crop -- we want everything including the URL location bar. Just save the image where you can easily find it (e.g. your Desktop). 

On a MAC, press Command-Shift-4, then the Space Bar and click your browser window. This will save a snapshot of your browser to the Desktop (e.g. "Screen shot 2014-10-23 at 08.45.00 AM.png").  

Now click the browse button (below) to upload this image file.

(e.g. Windows 7 or Mac OS X)
(e.g., IE 8.0, FireFox 10.0.2 or Safari 5.1.3)
(e.g. slide show, carousel, form element, or the DAM)

Help us with our assessment and prioritization.
