Program Search Component

Provide one or more targeted searches.

On this page:

In development. Pilots only at this stage.

Last reviewed: October 1, 2021

screenshot of the initial appearance of this component.

The initial appearance of this component.

Using This Component

There is only one tab, entitled Program Search.

The component provides one or more user-directed searches into predetermined search indexes, directories or databases which can be in the UBCMS or on external sites. The visitor selects a target, enters a search query, and the results are returned on that target page. (Users will thus frequently leave your site.)

When first installed, the tool is entitled "Find Your Program" and is keyed to search the Undergraduate, Graduate, and Micro-credential academic offerings, but these can all be modified.

This component is very flexible in how it displays:

  • If one entry is provided, the component only displays that search.
  • If many entries are provided, the options and text wrap.
  • In narrower width applications, the options stack, but preferred uses are full-width, 12, 9 or 6 columns.

This feature is currently in pilot and must be enabled using Design Mode (requires Specialist permissions). It will appear among the Experimental Components.

Brand and Strategic Considerations

This component is intended to support prominent collections of high value key tasks and information needs of key constituents.  

Target your title and the 'hint text' for each search to your primary audiences, and keep them tightly focused for mobile users.

Configure (wrench icon) - main settings

Title - Enter preferred text or leave blank. By default is "Find your program".

Theme - Select from UB-branded color choices.
Full Width -  If checked the component will fill the full page width.

Programs - You may then provide one or more targeted search entries. There is no limit. By default, three are prefilled: Undergraduate (programs), Graduate (programs), and Micro-Credentials. Delete any that are not desired. Each query supports the following settings:

Program Name - radio button label
Search URL - required for the targeted search
Search Placeholder - a search hint that vanishes as a query is typed in

Modify or replace these entries as desired. Click the trash can icon to delete an entry. Click and drag the up-down-arrow icon to the right of an entry to change its order. Click the Add button to add a new entry.

This component is not a search, it just sends a query to an existing search probably on another part of your own site or elsewhere, and the results of that query then load on the targeted search page.

A great variety of searches are possible, including the academic program examples, the standard UBCMS search on UBCMS sites, Dynamic List searches, the university-wide search engine, or external engines like Yahoo or Google.

How to Build An Entry

  1. Run the search you wish to target on a published site.
  2. Copy the URL from the browser location bar.
  3. Delete the extra details back to the most basic stem, the domain and path to the search page itself, the "?" and "q=" or "query=". Usually the "?q=" or "?query=" comes immediately after the search page, but sometimes additional variables follow.
    • For example, for a graduate program search for "geology":
      • Full URL...
      • Simple Stem...
  4. Enter that stemmed URL into the entry, and try running that in your component.
  5. If the search you are targeting supports more detailed queries (e.g. tags or filters), try running a search first with those additional parameters, then copy the final URL and edit it to meet your needs.
    1. Find the "q=" or "query=" and remove the search word(s) that follow. Also remove the ampersand (&) between the search words any the other parameters that follow.
    2. Add an ampersand (&) to the very end of the long URL.   ...&
    3. Move the "q=" or "query=" to the very end after that final ampersand.  ...&q=
      (This is where the component will splice in YOUR searcher's new query.)
    4. For example, a UB-wide search for "geology":
      • Full URL...
      • Becomes...

If you have difficulties getting it to work correctly, or wish to try something that does not match any of our examples below, contact the DCT Help Team..

Uses Cases (real examples)

Special Directories

  • Undergraduate programs (undergraduate catalog)
  • Graduate programs
  • Micro-credentials

Search Indexes

  • a standard UBCMS search ('search results' page)
    • an example from UBIT:
  • a UBCMS dynamic list search
    • an example from EQUIP:
  • University-wide search engine (aka Funnelback) 
  • Google

Demo Site Examples

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