Base component for a form (required).
The UBCMS is not an appropriate place for ANY regulated private data, such as bank credit/debit card numbers, government-issued ID numbers, health information or computer passwords.
Delete the default path and click 'OK. A new and correct path will automatically be generated by the UBCMS.
If the default path is not removed, your data will not be stored correctly and will be lost.
Last reviewed: December 18, 2024
Keep your forms on regular webpages. Building them in shared content can interfere with normal functionality, such as validation.
For example, if you build your form by copying a component (e.g. to add a second Text Field), be sure to change the ID.
This has two segments, Start of Form and End of Form, each represented by a bar, thet bracket the additional form components
Start of Form has two tabs: Form and Advanced.
End of Form has one, un-named tab.
Click the wrench icon to configure these settings.
This component includes an effective method of spam prevention. See the advanced properties.
To automatically send a copy back to the person submitting the form, see Advanced Use.
The Start of Form bar opened for editing, showing the Form tab options.
Action Type: Use this dropdown menu to choose how you want the results of the form made available. The options are:
An example of stored form data.
* Note: Only someone with permissions for your page can view this data (at least Viewership). There is no physical limit to how much data is stored for each form, but the data display will take longer to load as the volume of data grows. There is no way to purge unwanted entries, or old data -- you can change or let the UBCMS reset the storage path, which will hide existing data. For further analysis, or to retain an archival copy, you can copy (select-all) and paste the data into a program like Excel.
When choosing 'Store Content,' if the default path is used, your data will be hidden and may be lost.
Delete the default path from the box and click 'OK.' A new and correct path will be automatically generated by the UBCMS.
Once you start storing data, changing the path (e.g. by clearing the field and letting the UBCMS save a new path) will hide your previous data. If this happens to you, contact us--we may be able to retrieve it.
If you are doing more than just browsing the data, we recommend downloading into Excel or even Google Sheets where you can then clean it up. (Select all, copy and paste. Columns will be retained.)
If this is not desirable, please consider getting a account, which provides more advanced features. Read more about Forms in the UBCMS.
You can artificially set a new storage path (e.g. add the year) to break your data up into more manageable segments. For example, change /etc/forms/www/eub/about_ub/contact-us to /etc/forms/www/eub/about_ub/contact-us/2024 and then next year to /etc/forms/www/eub/about_ub/contact-us/2025. You can even set this in Author to Publish Later on Dec. 31 at midnight. Then you can temporarily switch back and forth to view, and download, sets of submissions. Changing the path does not impact the live set (or what submitters use) unless you republish the change.
Use a email as the From address to avoid the email being flagged as potential spam and landing in the recipient's junk folder.
* For any of the From, Mailto, CC, or BCC fields, you can automatically pull in the address of the submitter -to send them a copy -- see Advanced Use.
If you select a configuration that includes Store, enter:
Note: this stored data can only be edited by us (CRXDE).
Before using the UBCMS form container to store important data, please consider switching to It is a much safer and more powerful tool. > read more about advanced use of forms
When choosing 'Store Content,' if the default path is used, your data will be lost.
Delete the default path from the box and click 'OK.' A new and correct path will be automatically generated by the UBCMS. (Do not change this path going forward or data may be lost.)
The Start of Form bar showing the Advanced tab options.
Use these settings to reduce the amount of spam clogging up your email inbox through the use of forms. There is also a reCAPTCHA component that you can add to your forms.
The End of Form bar opened for editing.
For the End of Form box, click Edit to create the buttons that your visitor will use to submit or clear (reset) the form.
You may alternately choose to use the Submit Button component for a customized submit button.
Be very careful while formatting this code. If you don't use the exact Element name, or the submitter doesn't supply a valid email address, the form submission process may not complete.
Spammers can easily detect this functionality and hijack your form to generate spam to other users. To prevent that abuse, if you engage this functionality, please add a reCAPTCHA component to your form.