Video Component

Embed a YouTube video in the Related Content Container.

On this page:

Last reviewed: January 3, 2024

  • Videos must have captions.
  • Let users control animations.
  • Images require Alt text.
  • Link text should be meaningful.
  • Use 'Open in New Window' sparingly.

> Read more about making this component accessible.

This component must be placed within a Related Content Container.

This component only works for YouTube videos.

Using This Component

Add the component to an existing Related Content Container.

While there appear to be two associated sections, there is only one component, with two tabs.

Technical Restrictions

  • This component ONLY works for YouTube videos.

Configure - Main Settings

Click the wrench icon to 'configure' these settings.

Related Video Tab

To change the 'Video' text, double-click inside the upper component area.

Headline: Add an optional descriptive title. By default, 'Video' is displayed. This title will be in bold on the published page and appear above the image.

Subheading: Add an optional secondary heading that will appear below the image.   

Video URL: Enter the ID or URL of a YouTube video. (This component ONLY works for YouTube videos.)

Alt text: Videos are represented with a thumbnail image. Alt text by state law to write a functional description of your video thumbnail in this field.

The screen reader will supply "image of". The user will already be provided with the video controls. For a video entitled "abc", consider [image of] "YouTube video entitled abc." or "watch abc.". Always end the Alt Text with a period so the screen reader knows to stop reading. (See for tips on writing alt text.)

On the Related Video tab, set the Headline and Subheading to display alongside the video thumbnail.

Also on the Related Video tab, set the Video URL.

On the Text tab, enter text to appear under the video thumbnail.

UB Channels

> Consider pulling content from these  major university channels

Text Tab

Use this tab to add additional text, such as a caption or description for the video.

Enter your desired text. Apply any formatting or links using the Rich Text Editor.

For hyperlinks, the option is provided to open in new page. When that is selected, an additional icon will follow the linked text, to alert visitors that they will be taken to a new browser window, or even leave the current website. If the hyperlink goes to a downloadable file, an document icon will instead be shown as well as the file size if the file is on the same server.

YouTube is cracking down on copyrighted materials and is removing videos and even shutting down channels that use music (or other assets) without clear authorization from the copyright owner.

This is affecting virtually all videos on YouTube. Many UB channels and videos, including the most highly trafficked, are at risk. Channel owners can dispute claims if they believe copyright infringement claims are invalid.

It is important that all UB communicators who use YouTube videos take immediate action and in future act with care to avoid losing their channel or having their videos blocked by copyright owners.

Accessibility Concerns

See an Example

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