Displays UB Alert banner during campus emergencies.
Example of the Emergency Alert Banner in use.
Last reviewed: October 18, 2024
The component as first displayed on the page.
This banner is normally added to your site during the site creation process.
If you need to add it later, it is placed on your site's Header page, which requires Specialist permissions. You must also set a cache flush trigger in your home page's Properties for it to stay in synch with the master version.
Remember to set a 'Flush Trigger' for your homepage (details below) and re-activate your header and home pages.
Place the component on your site's Header page, which is located in your Site-Wide Configuration folder (/content/site/config).
The location where it is displayed on your live site is fixed. For consistency, we encourage you to place it immediately under the main Header component in Author, and also above the Issues Advisory Banner (if you have one), but the placement in Author does not actually matter.
There are no settings to configure.
Add a flush trigger to your home page's Properties.
To ensure that the banner will display on your site as soon as it is loaded on the master emergency.buffalo.edu site, you will need to set a Flush Trigger on your site's home page.
In Properties, in the Advanced tab, under Server Caching, add a new Flush Trigger with this path and reactivate the page: /content/shared/www/emergency
Do not be alarmed. Unless there is a campus crisis, the banner will NOT be visible on your home page even in the Author environment. It will, however, always be displayed on your Header page in Author.
When a UB Alert is posted during a campus emergency, this component will display as a red banner on select websites, such as the UB home page , the Administrative Services Gateway, the Student Life Gateway, our news sites (UB Now, News Center,) and the main UB Alert website.
We encourage every site at UB to participate in critical emergency communications; however, we do understand in select circumstances this might not be a fit for your site's purpose or target audience. If this is the case, simply reverse the steps to remove this component from your header.