Issues Advisory Banner

Displays a special banner for ongoing university concerns (e.g. COVID-19).

On this page:

Last reviewed: May 16, 2022

Using This Feature

The Issues Advisory Banner relies on shared content displayed using a Shared Content Reference.

It is placed in your site's Header page. Because of this placement, Specialist permissions are required.

You must also set a cache flush trigger on your home page's Properties for it to stay in synch with the master version.

Remember to set a 'Flush Trigger' for your homepage (details below) and re-activate your header and home pages.

1. Configure the Shared Content Reference

Place the component on your site's Header page, which is located in your Site-Wide Configuration folder (/content/site/config).

The location where it is displayed on your live site is fixed. For consistency, we encourage you to place it immediately under the main Header component in Author, and below the Emergency Alert banner (if you have one), but the placement in Author does not actually matter.

This component must be configured correctly to function:

Reference path: Set to: /content/shared/www/emergency/feeds/long-term-alert-banner

2. Set a Flush Trigger on Your Homepage

To ensure that the banner will display on your site and stays up to date, you must set a server cache Flush Trigger on your site's homepage.

In Page Properties, in the Advanced tab, under Server Caching, add a new Flush Trigger with this path and then re-activate that page: /content/shared/www/emergency

  • Top Level Sites (/content/site)
    • e.g.
    • Adjust Page Properties for the site’s home-page-dispatcher-trigger page
      • /content/site/home-page-dispatcher-trigger.html
      • e.g. /content/nursing/home-page-dispatcher-trigger.html
    • This page is NOT displayed in the admin console or File Tree. You will have to load it manually into your browser.
    • Flush triggers added to your actual home page’s Page Properties are ignored.
      • e.g.
  • Second Level Sites (/content/*/site)
    • e.g.
    • e.g.
    • Adjust Page Properties for the site’s home page
      • e.g.

Unless there is a university-wide need to communicate information, the banner will NOT be visible on your home or header pages, even in the Author environment. When the banner is operational, you should see it in Author on your header and Web pages, and on your live site.

Technical Restrictions

  1. Place the component directly under the main header component and under the Emergency Alert Banner if you have one and re-activate the header.
  2. Be sure to adjust your main home page's Page Properties with a 'flush trigger' as noted above and re-activate the page.

Placing the Banner on Non-UBCMS Sites

See an Example

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