Header Component

Display unit title, homepage link and key links above every page (required).

Some features are being phased out or absorbed into the new Enhanced Header.

On this page:

Last reviewed: May 16, 2022

Old Brand Cleanup

Please delete any header or footer files left over from the 2017-18 brand transition. They will be named "-oldbrand".

Using This Component

Often this component will already have been placed on your Header page when your site was created. There is a main editable Header area plus two additional 'drag components or assets here' areas. And three fixed links are provided in a narrow banner at the very top: UB Home, Maps and UB Directory.

The header belongs at the top of your site. The normal order is as follows (not all sites will use all components): 

  1. Emergency Alert Banner
  2. Header (this component)
  3. Top Navigation
  4. Breadcrumbs 

Note, when it is not desirable to add a regular 'Heading 1' Title component to a page, such as your site's home page, a setting in Page Properties allows the Header component's Title to serve as the H1.

Click the wrench icon to 'configure' these settings.

The component as first displayed on the page. NB. the main header display is NOT an official lockup and is only authorized for use in your website.

Technical Restrictions

Configure - Main Settings

Main Header Settings

Title - Enter the formal title for your website, usually your office or program's official name.

Use your proper unit name and ensure the line breaks in your title match how it is displayed in your Unit Lockup. 
> Review brand guidelines

Title Link - Provide a link back to your homepage (required for all but single-page sites).

  • Use the magnifying glass tool to find the path to your website in the UBCMS ("/content/...").

Tagline - Enter an additional description for your site (optional). This description can clearify what your site is; e.g. the News Center provides 'Official UB news and information for the media.'

  • The tagline will be displayed below the main Title.

School 1 Title - Name your unit's parent school/division or primary affiliation to match your Unit Lockup (required for most sites).

  • Will be displayed at the very top of the header module.

School 1 Link - Provide a link back to the primary parent website.

  • Use the magnifying glass tool to find the path to your parent's website.
  • For an external website, be sure to enter the complete URL ("https://...").

School 2 Title - If your office has a second parent or affiliation, enter its name here (optional but recommended).

  • It will be displayed at the very top of the header module, to the right of the primary affiliation.

School 2 Link - Provide a link back to the secondary parent website.

  • Use the magnifying glass tool to find the path to your second affiliation's website.
  • For an external website, be sure to enter the complete URL ("https://...").

Color Scheme - Choose: blue header with a gray bar (default), gray header with a blue bar, or a white header with a blue bar.

  • If you have provided School 1 or School 2 Titles, the bar will be darker beneath those links.

Tie your color choices into your overall brand strategy.

Identity - Choose from:  

  • Brand Extension - Shows the official brand extension of the sites of most decanal areas and their departments.
  • Services, Initiatives, Events - For major service areas, university initiatives and campus-wide events that should not use a formal brand extension; e.g. Administrative Services Gateway, UB 2020, this website.

Your identity choice should match your brand position. Formal lockups should choose 'Brand Extension.'

screenshot of header with Identity set as 'Services, Initiatives, Events'. UB name lies under logo. Tagline lies under the Title. No row of dots.

Additional Navigation Areas

Two additional buildable areas on the right are intended to house specific components.

Top Area - Use this to add Social Button components.

Bottom Area - Use this to add Button components for task navigation.

See an Example

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