Collapsible Content Container

Reveal hidden content when title is clicked.

On this page:

Last Reviewed: September 28, 2022

Never put a collapsible component inside another collapsible component. It will break your page.


These components are treated as headings (like a Title).

  • Headings must be hierarchical

> Read more about making this component accessible.

Using This Component

There is only one tab for settings.

You can immediately adjust settings in Edit Mode, but to modify content inside the container additional steps are required.

  • Switch to Preview Mode (click the tool in the top right of the window).
  • Expand the container by clicking the '+' icon.
  • An 'End' bar will appear and you can now see the hidden content.
  • Switch back to Edit Mode.
  • You can now click the End bar and then the '+' icon ("Insert component") to add new content.
  • Or click any of the previously hidden components to edit them in turn.
  • Any component you add will load within the container.
  • Once you are done building, return to Preview Mode to close the container or leave it open for convenience.
See the Keyboard Shortcuts for switching between Edit and Preview Modes.
Be Brave, Experiment!

With the exception of another Collapsible Container, most of our components work very well in a Collapsible Container, including Column Controls.

Technical Restrictions

  • Never put a collapsible component inside another collapsible component.


Title: Enter a descriptive heading. By default "Collapsible Content" will be shown.

Start Mode: Choose your preference between Collapsed (default) or Expanded.

ID: Enter to build an anchor for targeted linking. Optional.

Exclude from "on this page" lists: Prevents this title from being included in the On This Page component.  

Title size: Required. Sets the heading level and associated size and styling. Choose from:

  • Large (H2 default) -- treated as a level 2 Title
  • Medium (H3) -- treated as a level 3 Title
  • Small (H4) -- treated as a level 4 Title

Accessible heading level override: To satisfy accessibility guidelines (e.g. heading hierarchy), once the Title Size is set you can then change the actual heading level in the HTML code to a different value, while leaving the visible styling as is. Choose from:

  • H2 -- styled as selected in Title size but code as level 2.
  • H3 -- styled as selected in Title size but code as level 3.
  • H4 -- styled as selected in Title size but code as level 4.
  • No heading -- styled as selected in Title size but not coded as a heading. 

Accessibility Concerns

To satisfy heading hierarchy limitations, this component's heading level can be adjusted independnetlly of its visible styling. Adjust the 'Accessible heading level override’ setting as needed.

Direct Linking to Collapsible Content

To link to a Collapsible Content Container, first set an ID in its properties, which becomes an anchor. You can now build a direct link to that container, as hashtagID (or /content/.../page#ID), and when the page loads, it will display the container in its expanded mode.

For example, the following link should load the second of the examples at the bottom of this page in expanded mode:

When you build a targeted link to a Collapsible Content component using its ID, the component will automatically expand when the page is loaded to that location.

Similarly, if you deep link to content that is contained WITHIN a Collapsible Content component, the page will load with that normally hidden content revealed.

See an Example

More examples:

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