Recover/undelete a version of a page, or an entire 'tree' (a parent and all of its child pages) when the page has been deleted.
Published May 16, 2022
If you just wish to restore recent changes you have made to a page that has not been deleted, try UNDO while editing the page.
This only applies to the last 20 changes made within the past 10 hours, and is subject to other factors, including your browser.
Saved versions of a page that has not been deleted can be retrieved from the Sites Console.
The UBCMS creates this record of your page when it is created, published, unpublished or deleted. (If the page is not modified, but is then republished, an additional version is NOT created.)
Toggle Side Panel button
Select your page then click the Toggle Side Panel button and open the Timeline drawer.
Timeline will show recent significant events, including modifications, publication, Workflow, and created Versions. The latest changes are at the bottom. Click More... to deepen the view.
Click a Version to reveal these options:
A version of your page is saved automatically when it is created, published, unpublished or deleted. Except, if the page is not modified, but then republished, a new version is NOT created. > Learn more about versioning
Please note, Flex UI only saves the last five versions.
Previously saved versions of a deleted page can be often restored from the Sites Console.
If the page has not been deleted, we encourage you to first make a new version so you can return to the current version if needed (optional but recommended). > Learn more about versioning
Once a page is deleted, it can often be restored to a saved version. Use the Restore Version or Restore Tree tools to recover the deleted page in Author. (Try not to restore too much in the process!)
This option restores a saved version of one page (not its children).
This option restores an entire page tree (a page and all of its children).
Restoration cannot be undone if you restore more than you intended and you may unexpectedly see lots of pages in addition to the specific few you were after.
There is no tool to restore a deleted asset like there is for webpages, but here is one possible solution.
A recent snapshot of your site is often captured on our QA Server. We cannot guarantee this will include the exact assets you are seeking to restore, or when the snapshot was last captured, but it is worth checking.