Make your page visible on your live website (or remove it from view).
Last reviewed: January 10, 2025
UBCMS pages must be 'published' to appear and 'unpublished' to be removed from your live website. Publisher permissions are required for the site you are working on. Publication (and unpublication) can be immediate, or scheduled to occur on a specific day.
These actions can be carried out while editing a page in the Edit Console, or separately from the Sites Console.
If you do NOT have sufficient permissions, or you have concerns about publishing child pages or related Assets, do not publish the page. Speak with your Site Manager or contact the UBCMS Help Team for assistance.
Do not activate over 500 things at a time between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM weekdays -- the replication queues will back up and your colleagues will complain!
In the Sites Console, select the page that you want to publish. The Command Menu toolbar will appear at the top of the window. Choose between Quick Publish and Manage Publication.
Quick Publish will immediately publish the selected page(s) in one step, including any unpublished related assets but not child pages. Click Publish and the action is complete. There is no Quick Unpublish.
Manage Publication provides more options, including child pages or 'References', and Scheduling. Pages can also be unpublished.
If you schedule Publish Later (or Unpublish Later), this Workflow is fixed and cannot be modified or removed by you. Contact the DCT Help Desk for assistance.
In the Sites Console, the Publication column notes if a page has been published, and when that occurred.
Also look in the Modified column to see if the page has been modified since it was last published. In that case, there will be a small colored triangle icon and the timestamp will be more recent than the Published timestamp.
page publication status
Equalizer button
While editing a page, to publish your changes, click the Equalizer button in the upper left of the window, then click Publish Page (or Unpublish Page).
For publishing:
Equalizer button
While editing a page, you can quickly check a page's publication or last modification status by clicking the Equalizer button in the upper left of the window.
page publication status
Pages can be pre-scheduled to be published and unpublished at a future date and time. This can be set in several ways:
If either of the On/Off times is in the past, you must activate the page to push the modifications over to the live site.
Note: if you schedule publication, then move (or rename) the page before that occurs, the scheduled process will not be completed-- you will need to schedule it again.
Be careful with Scheduling.
Moving, deleting or unpublishing live pages will impact your public site, changing your navigation, updating (or breaking) links, and removing content from your pages.
BEFORE you move or delete a UBCMS page, please consider these points then use the following tools and action tree to resolve any issues.
Page references may be UBCMS internal links (built using the Finder tool) or pages that physically include your content either through a list component or a Shared Content reference.
Use the Reference Page Report (login required) to list UBCMS pages that reference your page. This shows you information about almost all references to your page and is the primary tool to use.
Build a new Reference Page Report then set:
The results will display references to your specified page(s) including each reference's Source Page Title and Source Page Path.
References will include:
References will NOT include:
Note: To retain privacy for other sites, only partial information is shown for pages that are not visible to you based on your permissions.
The Page Report (login required) provides a comprehensive report of an entire site, including each page's publication status. Knowing which pages are live (and may be impacted by your changes) will lessen the possibility of any surprises after your actions.
When your actions include publishing (or unpublishing), the UBCMS can do this automatically for you. Normally the UBCMS can assess each page's current publication status and act accordingly, but it may not always be clear that you have included all of the desired pages within this workflow.
For example, Manage Publication allows you to include children, adjust several filters, and then designate some or all of them, but if you are adjustinga large number of pages, be very careful that you are first seeing all of them in the interface. Scroll to the very bottom of the page, then try paging down, sequentially until you are sure the autoloader has finished, and thhen select specific children, or double click the little [-] box beside Title (upper left of the page) to select all pages.
Based on your page reference research, use the following suggestions to ensure no sites are damaged by your changes.