Shift to a new parent folder, change their URL, or reorder lists and navigation.
If a non-publisher moves a published page, it will only be moved in author and not in the live version of that page. Further, any references TO that page on other published pages will not be updated.
Be very careful to consider the full impact and ensure your Site Manager is aware of your changes.
When you move a page, any live pages that reference it must be republished so their references do not break. This can be handled automatically by the UBCMS if you have permissions to publish these related pages BUT in the process you may republish a page that is being modified and not ready to be republished.
When you publish (or republish) a page, previous modification details are reset (e.g. in reports). If you move a parent with lots of children, consider first running a Page Report to capture last modification user and timestamp details.
Moving a page also moves its children. If your page(s) are published, this will normally also involve republishing these pages. Do not activate over 500 things at a time between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM weekdays -- the replication queues will back up and your colleagues will complain!
Last reviewed: May 9, 2024
UBCMS pages have a name and a descriptive title. The title is usually changed in the page's Properties but can also be adjusted when a page is renamed or moved. (Renaming is simply moving a page to a new name in the same location.) Both Authors and Publishers can move pages.
The Title is a descriptive label, displayed at the top of the browser window, in site navigation, in search and list returns, and by title components on that page.
Change a page's Title by editing its Properties.
Page Titles can also be changed when a page is moved--see below -- but if you just wish to change the Title, do that in Properties.
The Name is the file name, the unique identification used to identify the page in the UBCMS. It shows in the page's URL and is used by any links to that page.
To rename a page, you must "move" it to a new page name. In the process, you can also change its Title, and view if it has been referenced by other pages.
This process is detailed in the next section, Move a Page in the UBCMS.
Note: If you are moving it to a new name in the same location, you must manually provide the new name -- the UBCMS will not allow you to complete the process until you do.
Pages can be 'moved' to a new name under the same parent in the Author environment, or they can be relocated to a different parent.
You can only move a page under an existing parent page. If that parent page does not yet exist, you will have to create it first – see Creating a New Page.
The natural order of child pages under their parent appears in your site's navigation and in lists of pages. Moving a page will not change this order--instead, see the section below 'Change Page Order in Site Navigation'.
Page Move step showing Title and Name.
Page Move step showing its references.
See the section below 'Be Careful Not to Break Other Pages'.
When you move a page that is published, or referenced by published pages, a list is provided of these related pages. Don't forget to select all that need to be Republished, including the page you are moving.
The UBCMS builds your site's navigation automatically, using the phsyical order of child pages listed underneath each parent, as shown in the Sites console.
By default, all child pages are displayed (left sidebar, dropdown, etc). In your live site only published pages are shown, but in Author you will see ALL pages (never published, published or unpublished).
To change the existing order of child pages under a parent page, just drag and drop a page up/down the List View (i.e. within the same 'folder') by dragging the 'domino' icon drag handle located at the right end of the page title (it looks like two vertical rows of dots). There is no request for confirmation.
This is not the same as simply changing the way pages are displayed in the Sites Console, which is known as the sort order. (Read more about How to Sort Displayed Pages.)
Screenshot of pages in a List View, showing where to click to change the sort order.
When you change the order of published pages, you must republish the adjusted page so its new position is replicated to the live website.
To hide a page from the navigation, adjust its Properties. There’s a setting called Navigation Options with options to 'Hide in Mobile Navigation' and another to 'Hide in Left Navigation.'
To change the label applied to a page, change its Title in Properties (described above under Change a Page's Title). You can also specifically change its title in just the site navigation--see Properties and Navigation Title.
You can also change the image that appears in a list by embedding an image in the Properties' Image tab, and change the default teaser descriptive text by adding different text into the Properties' Description box (adding a blank space is like adding a blank in alt text).
The page name becomes part of the URL, and is also used in SEO. When naming a page or a folder that will contain pages, it is important to use machine readable as well as intuitive language. Separate words with hyphens and do not use spaces, underscores or special characters. For example, if you are creating a folder titled "Our Images," use "our-images" as the title.
Moving, deleting or unpublishing live pages will impact your public site, changing your navigation, updating (or breaking) links, and removing content from your pages.
BEFORE you move or delete a UBCMS page, please consider these points then use the following tools and action tree to resolve any issues.
Page references may be UBCMS internal links (built using the Finder tool) or pages that physically include your content either through a list component or a Shared Content reference.
Use the Reference Page Report (login required) to list UBCMS pages that reference your page. This shows you information about almost all references to your page and is the primary tool to use.
Build a new Reference Page Report then set:
The results will display references to your specified page(s) including each reference's Source Page Title and Source Page Path.
References will include:
References will NOT include:
Note: To retain privacy for other sites, only partial information is shown for pages that are not visible to you based on your permissions.
The Page Report (login required) provides a comprehensive report of an entire site, including each page's publication status. Knowing which pages are live (and may be impacted by your changes) will lessen the possibility of any surprises after your actions.
When your actions include publishing (or unpublishing), the UBCMS can do this automatically for you. Normally the UBCMS can assess each page's current publication status and act accordingly, but it may not always be clear that you have included all of the desired pages within this workflow.
For example, Manage Publication allows you to include children, adjust several filters, and then designate some or all of them, but if you are adjustinga large number of pages, be very careful that you are first seeing all of them in the interface. Scroll to the very bottom of the page, then try paging down, sequentially until you are sure the autoloader has finished, and thhen select specific children, or double click the little [-] box beside Title (upper left of the page) to select all pages.
Based on your page reference research, use the following suggestions to ensure no sites are damaged by your changes.
Non Publishers should NOT move a published page.
Authors who are not also Publishers should resist the temptation to move a published page. They are permitted to do so by the UBCMS, but the page will only be moved in author and will not be moved in the live (published) site. The published version of that page will now be orphaned, and intervention will be needed to remove it from your live site, or to make future changes. Also, any links TO that page from other live pages will now be broken.
While moving a page, if you encounter an error message that says 'Warn: no rights to replicate', you are attempting to activate content for which you do not have publisher permissions. > Read more about this 'no rights to replicate' Known Issue